Salmon Fishcake with Sorrel Sauce

This is a great Fish Cake recipe to make the most of mouth-watering fresh Irish and this is only enhanced by the delicious peppery spinach and creamy sorrel sauce.
Recipe by Craig Cody at K O'Connell Fish Merchants
Cooking time: 10-15 minutes
650g dry mash potato, with cream or butter added
650g Salmon fillet, poached in fish stock ideally but cooked and flaked
2tbsp tomato ketchup
2tspn anchovy essence or 3 anchovy, it will work without these
3tsp English mustard
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the Sauce:
Half ltr strong Fish Stock a vegetable stock cube will do in a push
50 g butter
30 g flour
50 ml white wine
250 ml double cream
15 g fresh sorrel
Salt and Pepper
1 kg Spinach, picked over, washed and dried
To make the fish cakes:
Mix together the potato, half the poached salmon, the ketchup, anchovy essence, mustard and seasoning until is smooth. Fold in the rest of the salmon mould the mixture into 8 round cakes and refrigerate.
To make the sauce:
Bring the stock to boil in a thick- bottomed pan. In another pan melt the butter and stir in the flour, cook very slowly over a low heat for 30 seconds, then gradually whisk in the stock. Pour in the white wine and simmer gently for 30 seconds until the sauce has thickened. Add the cream and reduce until it is of a thick pouring consistency and the put in the sorrel.
Pre heat the oven to 200degree/ gas mark 6. Lightly flour the cakes and fry until they are coloured on both sides, then bake for 10-15 minutes.
Heat a large sauce pan over medium flame add the spinach season it lightly and cover it tightly with a lid. cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the leaves are tender, drain in colander.
To Serve
Put some spinach on a warm plate then a fish cake and pour over the sauce, serve immediately.